
Central to TOGETHER’s mission is selfless service to humanity. Out of gratitude for what we have been given, we give to others. With this in mind, TOGETHER creates community service events that unite both adults and children, both people of different faith traditions or of no faith to enable them to serve.

Our most popular event is the Annual Holiday Service event, which takes place in early December every year. At this event, we decorate holiday Christmas cookies, assemble packages with personal care items and write Letters of Love, all for donation to local charities. 

This year's community partner was Congregation Beth Chaim.
Rabbi Adena Blum invited participants into the sanctuary to learn about Judaism.

Click below to see a Facebook album of our December, 2023 event!

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Our Mission - Together

We embrace diversity, within our shared humanity, to create peace in our homes and local communities. 
TOGETHER’s mission is to lift up, honor, celebrate and educate people about the differences and shared values of a pluralistic community. We promote acceptance, knowledge, trust and mutual respect. We seek to create a more inclusive and just society that values the traditions of all faiths, cultures, races and ethnicities. 
Although our goals are not limited by geographic boundaries, we primarily focus our events and actions within the greater Mercer County area in the state of New Jersey.