
On December 14, 2023, CFPA's Annual Holiday Peace Gathering began on Palmer Square with a Vigil for Peace on Earth. About 30 attended.

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CFPA Board Chair, Irene Etkin Goldman, joined by her son, Paul, and many others attend the Vigil for Peace on Earth
in front of Tiger Park on Palmer Square in Princeton.

The event then moved across the street, to the Assembly Room of Nassau Presbyterian Church, where more than 40 guests gathered for a potluck meal and a Program honoring Irene Etkin Goldman's 20 years as CFPA Board Chair. A dozen speakers presented, and peace music, including a Sing-A-Long, was performed by David Brahinsky.

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(Above) Honoree, Irene Etkin Goldman, holds a Peace Pebble, CFPA's highest honor, presented by Executive Director, Rev. Bob Moore and Rev. Carol Haag.
(Below) Group shot of Program attendees. Photos generously contributed by David Crow.

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Click here to see the Facebook album from the Program.

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The Coalition for Peace Action (CFPA) is a grassroots citizens' organization bringing together people of all ages, backgrounds, professions and political persuasions around three goals: global abolition of nuclear weapons, a peace economy and a halt to weapons trafficking at home and abroad.

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