
Click here to view a PDF of highlights of CFPA's work over the past 40 years! As seen below.

JPG 40 Year Highlights as Professionally Staffed Org Page 1

JPG 40 Year Highlights as Professionally Staffed Org Page 2

Detailed Highlights from 1980 to 2017

The Coalition to Reverse the Nuclear Arms Race


Staff & Chair:
Executive Director - Rev. Bob Moore (Sept. 81 - current)
Steering Committee Chair - Wallace Alston (through July 84) 
1st Conference and Interfaith Service for Peace
• Can We Reverse the Arms Race?
Speakers: Harvey Cox, Helen Caldicott, Richard Barnett, Paul Warnke
Highlights: The small group of religious organizations, which had put together the first teaching conference, decided to organize a coalition to build upon the momentum from this first event. A pulpit exchange was planned for a "Peace Sabbath" in the spring of 1981.

Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament


Staff & Chair:
Executive Director - Rev. Bob Moore (Sept. 81 - current)
Steering Committee Chair - Wallace Alston (through July 84)
Nagasaki Day Program
Readings and music at Woodrow Wilson School Fountain, sponsored by the Political Action Committee
Annual Conference and Interfaith Service for Peace -
• The Choice Is Ours: Confronting the Nuclear Arms Race
Speakers: Donald W. Shriver Jr., George Kennan, Robert Jay Lifton, William Sloane Coffin, William Maynes, Tom Furer, Jeff Dumas
Highlights: With the selection of an executive director and the renting of office space, the Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament took shape. A second two-day conference was held and MaryAnne Hutchinson gathered and supervised the first "faithful band of volunteers" at 20 Nassau Street. The Peace Education Committee sponsored a series of Sunday afternoon "Talk-togethers."


Staff & Chair:
Assistant Director - Mark Pickett (March 82 - June 85)
Associate Director - Mary Ward (July 82 - Dec 88)
Steering Committee Chair - 
1st Concert for Peace
• Emerson String Quartet with pianist Lillian Kallir, speaker George Kennan
Annual Conference and Interfaith Service for Peace
• The Time Is Now: Responding to the Nuclear Arms Race
Speakers: C. T. Vivian, Gary Hart, Herbert Scoville, Inge Thorsson, Mark Garrison, Marion Wright Edelman, William Winpisinger
Highlights: With a new sign (made by Ann Gross) at the door of 40 Witherspoon Street, the Coalition was honored as Outstanding Ecumenical Ministry by the New Jersey Council of Churches. The Coalition chartered a "Peace Train" to take 1,400 to Central Park where 1,000,000 rallied for peace in the largest such demonstration in US history. The successful Nuclear Freeze Referendum, which received the support of 66% of New Jersey voters in the fall election, was co-led by the Coalition.


Staff & Chair:
Executive Director - Rev. Bob Moore (Sept. 81 - current)
Steering Committee Chair - Wallace Alston (through July 84)

1st Membership Dinner
Speaker: Robert Scheer, With Enough Shovels: Reagan, Bush, and Nuclear War
Honorees: Jack Johnson, Barbara Johnson, Ione Milner, Elsa Kerr, Len Newton, Irene Rodgers
Annual Conference and Interfaith Service for Peace
• Euromissiles: Leverage or Liability?
Speakers: Cyrus Vance, Maj. Gen. George J. Keegan, Brig. Gen. Michael Harbottle
Highlights: Bishop Thomas Gumbelton speaks to 1000 Coalition members and supporters about the Catholic Bishops Pastoral Letter on Peace. The Coalition co-organized a Nuclear Freeze Lobby Day that brought 800 New Jerseyans to join a crowd of 5,000 peace lobbyists in Washington DC.


Staff & Chair:
Executive Director - Rev. Bob Moore (Sept. 81 - current)
Steering Committee Chair - Ira Silverman (July 84 - May 86)
Membership Dinner
Speaker: Freeman Dyson
Honorees: Hinda Winawer, Betsey Clark, Ann Kurtt, Joel Weisberg, Ariela Gross
Annual Conference and Interfaith Service for Peace
What Price the Arms Race?
Speakers: George McGovern, Seymour Melman, Harold Willens
Highlights: In May demonstrations continued at Earle Naval Weapons Base with more than 40 Coalition members demanding that nuclear weapons be removed from New Jersey and everywhere! Rachel Findley became Director of the New Jersey Freeze Voter '84 drive as Freeze Voter injected the Freeze into the presidential and congressional elections.


Staff & Chair:
Executive Director - Rev. Bob Moore (Sept. 81 - current)
Assistant Director - Steve Harrison (July 85 - June 87)
Steering Committee Chair - 
Membership Dinner
Speaker: Jeremiah Ostriker, The Fallacy of Star Wars
Honoree: Wallace Alston
Annual Conference and Interfaith Service for Peace
US - Soviet Relations
Speakers: Balfour Brickner, Arthur Waskow
Highlights: The 40th Anniversary of the Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki commemorations included a walking tour, led by Al Cavallo and Frank von Hippel, entitled "Princeton and the Bomb." The Urgent Action Network Phone Tree included 120 of the 1200 Coalition members.


Staff & Chair:
Executive Director - Rev. Bob Moore (Sept. 81 - current)
Steering Committee Chair - Jay Bleiman (May 86 - March 90)
Organizer of the Trenton office of the Coalition - Jerry Eure
Assistant Director Steve Harrison becomes Associate Director
Associate Director Mary Ward becomes Assistant Director and Executive Secretary
Membership Dinner
Speaker: Victor W. Seidel, Destruction before Detonation
Honoree: Barbara L. Johnson

Annual Conference and Interfaith Service for Peace
Clearing Obstacles: What It Will Take to Get a World without Nuclear Weapons
Speakers: Robert Drinan, George Rathjens, Thomas Graham, James Bush, Robert Tucker, Arthur
Macy Cox, Jack Matlock, Sergei Rogoff, Howard Moreland, Richard Ullman, Franklin C.
Miller, Richard Perle, Daniel Duedney
Highlights: In August, the US House of Representatives approved an amendment to a Department of Defense Authorization Bill that called for withholding funds for nuclear warhead tests for a period of one year. The majority of New Jersey congresspersons voted for the amendment due to an intense year of letter, phone calls, vigils, and meetings with Coalition members. Mary Ward was one of 150 protesters arrested for civil disobedience at a Nevada Test Site. Youth for Peace, a group of students from local high schools, was initiated at the Annual Conference.


Staff & Chair:
Executive Director - Rev. Bob Moore (Sept. 81 - current)
Associate Director - John Field (June 87 - Sept. 89)
Steering Committee Chair - 
"Target Congress" coordinator - Frances F. Kaplan
Concert for Peace - Paul Winter Consort

Membership Dinner
Speaker: Robert Tucker
Honorees: John Crocker, Z Smith

Annual Conference and Interfaith Service for Peace
Clearing Obstacles: Apathy to Action
Speakers: F. Forrester Church, Betty Bumpers, Fred Reed, Milton Schwebel, Robert R. Holt,
Frank von Hippel, Jessie Cocks, Thomas Gumbleton
Highlights: Founding Congress of newly merged SANE/FREEZE attended by Bob Moore. 11 Soviet citizens visiting with US-USR Bridges for Peace attend 6th Annual Membership Dinner.


Staff & Chair:
Executive Director - Rev. Bob Moore (Sept. 81 - current)
Associate Director - John Field (June 87 - Sept. 89)
Steering Committee Chair - 

Membership Dinner
Speaker: William Sloane Coffin
Honorees: Michele Graybeal, Menachem Tacher, Sue Graham

Annual Conference and Interfaith Service for Peace
Leveling the Wealth of the American Economy
Speakers: Bishop Leontine Kelly, Dr. Gar Alperovitz, Dr. Betty Lall, Col. Philip Cox, Dr. John Lynch,
William Hartung, Gen. William Burns, Andy Lebedev
Highlights: A March demonstration at the Nevada test site drew over 5000 peace activists who rallied to the cry "Reclaim the Test Site." 1200 committed acts of civil disobedience requiring over 50 buses to take them to a location far from the site before releasing them. The Coalition sent twenty-five supporters.


Staff & Chair:
Executive Director - Rev. Bob Moore (Sept. 81 - current)
Associate Director/Office Manager - Pat Cox (Sept. 89 - July 96)
Bookkeeper - Stuart Lee Brown (Jan 89 - 1993)
Concert for Peace
Pete Seeger & the American Boy Choir (Jan 89)

Membership Dinner
Speaker: Andrea Ayvazian, Positive Peacemaking: Looking Forward to the 90's
Honorees: Mary Ward, Margaret Burt, Pat Paine Dougherty
10th Anniversary Concert
NJ Symphony & American Boy Choir
(Oct 89) in a performance of Benjamin Britten's War Requiem at the Trenton War Memorial

Annual Conference and Interfaith Service for Peace
Speakers: John Crocker Rep. Ted Weiss, EP & Dorothy Thompson, Richard Falk, Mark Sommer, Dietrich Fischer, Pam Solo
Highlights: The Coalition joins the Peace Economy Campaign of National SANE/FREEZE. The Monmouth chapter of the Coalition sponsored the second annual "Children's Peace Fair" at Brookdale Community College.


Staff & Chair:
Executive Director - Rev. Bob Moore (Sept. 81 - current)
Steering Committee Chair - Alan Karcher (March 90 - May 93)
Concert for Peace - Odetta and the choirs of Trenton's Shiloh Baptist Church (Jan 90)

10th Anniversary Membership Dinner
Speakers: George Kennan, Marvin Goldberg, Vladimir Pechatnov

Annual Conference and Interfaith Service for Peace
The Peace and Justice Dividend
Speakers: Marion Anderson, Elena Bonner, Eugene Carroll, William Sloane Coffin, Angelique
Highlights: Palmer Square Post Office was once again the site for a Tax day vigil and leafleting. The Coalition hosted a delegation from the Volgograd region as part of the second annual New Jersey-Volgograd Bridges for Peace exchange.


Staff & Chair:
Executive Director - Rev. Bob Moore (Sept. 81 - current)
Steering Committee Chair - 

Concert for Peace - Suzanne Vega & Pete Seeger (Jan 91)

Membership Dinner
Speaker: John Kenneth Galbraith
Respondent/Honoree: Frank von Hippel
Honorees: Sylvia Temmer, Julius and Fern Keil, Joanne Garver

Annual Conference and Interfaith Service for Peace
Nuclear Weapons and the New World Disorder
Speakers: Harvey Cox, Freeman Dyson, Erwin Knoll, Mary McGory, Theodore Taylor,
Frank von Hippel
Presentation of an original multimedia performance piece written, composed and performed by Dan
Bauer, Charlotte Hussy, and Tim Geller
Highlights: Buses of Coalition members attended the mass rally to support the Comprehensive Test Ban held at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza across from the UN. Eight busloads from the Coalition joined 160 other organizations in DC to demonstrate against the Persian Gulf War.


Staff & Chair:
Executive Director - Rev. Bob Moore (Sept. 81 - current)
Steering Committee Chair - 

Concert for Peace - Tom Paxton & Holly Near

Membership Dinner
Speaker: Audrey Freedman, Economic Conversion in the Post-Cold War Era

Annual Conference and Interfaith Service for Peace
Shaping a Peaceful World: National Priorities, Economic Realities
Speakers: Benjamin Chavis, Ramsey Clark, Dr. Ann Markusen, Freeman Dyson
Highlights: With the Nassau Presbyterian Church and the Lawrenceville Presbyterian Church, the Coalition sponsored a play, short story, essay, and poetry writing contest for high school students. Sixty-nine students from eleven schools participated in the "Writing about Peace 1992" event. Members were again mobilized for the April "Save Our Cities/Save Our Children" march on DC.

NEW NAME -- Coalition for Peace Action


Staff & Chair:
Executive Director- Rev. Bob Moore (Sept. 81 - current)
Steering Committee Chair - Leslie Smith (May 93 - May 96)
Concert for Peace - Lucinda Williams & David Byrne (Jan 93)

Membership Dinner
Speaker: Sharpe James
Honorees: Donald Payne, Sarah Milburn Moore, David Morris

Annual Conference and Interfaith Service for Peace
Halting Weapons Trafficking
Speakers: Arthur Hertzberg, Seymour Hirsh, Betty Lall, Lora Lumpe, William Hartung
Highlights: In keeping with the National SANE/FREEZE change of name to Peace Action, the Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament became the Coalition for Peace Action with its educational arm becoming Peace Action Education Fund. In July, in response to an intense campaign by the Coalition and others, President Clinton announced his decision to extend the US nuclear testing moratorium.


Staff & Chair
Executive Director - Rev. Bob Moore (Sept. 81 - current)
Steering Committee Chair - 

Concert for Peace - Emerson String Quartet (Jan 94)

Membership Dinner
Speakers: Leonard Spector, Frank McClosky
Honorees: Darlene McKnight, Vladimir Iakimets

Annual Conference and Interfaith Service for Peace
Speakers: Andrew Young, Daniel Ellsberg, Miyoko Matsubaru, McGeorge Bundy, Rolf Ekeus,
Richard Falk, Miguel Marin-Bosch, Bonnie Urfer
Highlights: At the Peace Action National Congress in Biddeford, Maine, Coalition vice-chair Darlene McKnight participated in a panel on "The Urban Crisis and the Role of the Peace Movement." The Coalition brought the largest delegation outside Maine, 40 people including 16 youth.


Staff & Chair:
Executive Director - Rev. Bob Moore (Sept. 81 - current)
Steering Committee Chair - 

Concert for Peace - Lionel Hampton & Orchestra (Jan 95)

Membership Dinner
Speaker: Stewart Udall
Honorees: Ellen Saxon, Magnolia McGlothen, William Scheide

Annual Conference and Interfaith Service for Peace
Stopping Weapons Violence at Home and Abroad
Speakers: William Sloane Coffin, Patricia Schroeder, Joel Chinitz, Vinny DeMarco,
Kathy McBride-Thomas, Ken Rutherford, Arlene and Jacob Locicero
Highlights: The Coalition hosted its first annual Peaceful Toys Fair and Violent Toy Turn-In. Youth for Peace began participation in "Alternatives to Violence," a Quaker-based program of training for peaceful conflict resolution.


Staff & Chair:
Steering Committee Chair - Darlene McKnight (May 96 - May 99)
Associate Director - Eric McKinley (Oct 96 - May 98)
Concert for Peace - Jennie and Amy, Janis Ian (Jan 96)

Membership Dinner
Speaker: Bruce Kent, Nuclear Disarmament Is Possible Honoree/Respondent: Freeman Dyson
Honorees: Wesley Derbyshire, Valerie Ramos-Ford, Georges Temmer, Kathy McBride-Thomas

Annual Conference and Interfaith Service for Peace
Swords into Plowshares: Building a Peace Economy for the 21st Century
Speakers: Rosemary Ruether, Lawrence Korb, Ann Markusen, Donald Payne, Alice Slater, Ben Cohen
Highlights: In the Hague, the World Court declared threat of or use of Nuclear Weapons to be illegal and called for concluding negotiations for global nuclear disarmament. The Coalition co-sponsored the March for Peace of the Mothers Against Violence in Trenton for the third year in a row.


Staff & Chair:
Executive Director - Rev. Bob Moore (Sept. 81 - current)
Steering Committee Chair - 

Concerts for Peace - David Shifrin & Anne-Marie McDermott (Jan 97), Tribe I & Richie Havens (May 97)

Membership Dinner
Speaker: Ambassador Richard Butler, Nuclear Weapons: Moving Toward Elimination
Honorees: Marcia Van Dyck, Karen Scarborough, Trinca Palmer

Annual Conference and Interfaith Service for Peace
Youth Violence: Issues and Solutions
Speakers: John Harris, David Elkind, Janet Patti, John Bess, Don Schwartz, Charles
Webster, Taleeta Carter
Highlights: Coalition youth continue to participate in alternatives to violence training as the Coalition becomes a part of the HIP/RAVE ("Help Increase the Peace/Real Alternatives to Violence") program. Presidents Clinton and Yeltsin agreed on the outlines of a START III nuclear reduction treaty after both New Jersey senators joined with 20 others in urging him to do so.


Staff & Chair:
Associate Director - LL Morgan-DuBreuil (Oct 98 - current)
Steering Committee Chair - 
Concert for Peace - Baba Olatunji & Peter Yarrow (Jan 98)

Membership Dinner
Speaker: Stansfield Turner, Caging the Nuclear Genie
Honorees: Henrietta Backer, Yvonne Amalina DeCarolis, Leslie Smith, Ted Taylor

Annual Conference and Interfaith Service for Peace
Speakers: Bishop Paul Moore, Jonathan Schell, Betty Burkes, Dr. Barbara Rosenberg, Dr. Amy Smithson, Dr. Zia Mian,
Dr. MV Ramana, Thomas Nilsen
Highlights: The Coalition co-sponsored a week of activities to honor Paul Robeson. A "No to NATO Expansion" panel discussion was hosted by the Coalition at the Woodrow Wilson School. Peace Voter '98 to educated voters in the 12th congressional district, and a majotiry voted for the pro-peace candidate.


Staff & Chair:
Executive Director - Rev. Bob Moore (Sept. 81 - current)
Steering Committee Chair - Bishop Mellick Belshaw
Concerts for Peace - Paul Winter Consort (Jan 99), Jennie Avila & Baba Olatunji (May 99)

Membership Dinner
Speaker: William D. Hartung, Stopping the New Arms Race
Honorees: Carol Allen, Marc Tolo, Barbara Hillhouse

20th Annual Conference and Interfaith Service for Peace
Challenges of Peace for the 21st Century
Speakers: Calvin Butts, Rush Holt, Randall Forsberg, Bryan Miller, Cora Weiss
Highlights: The Fifth Annual Peaceful Toys Fair included games, crafts, music, and a violent toy turn-in. Susan Tenney and her company of dancers and singers as well as the Solidarity Singers made the annual Hiroshima and Nagasaki Commemoration a multi-media event. In response to the bombing of Kosovo, the Coalition hosted an evening panel "Lessons from Kosovo," which included presentations by Richard Falk, Amy Goodman, Jeff Laurenti, Jack Matlock, and Walter Rockler. Ten Coalition members and six students attended the International Peace Convocation in The Hague. The students were winners of a Coalition sponsored essay contest.


Staff & Chair:
Executive Director - Rev. Bob Moore (Sept. 81 - current)
Steering Committee Chair - 

Concert for Peace - Cheryl Wheeler & Dar Williams (Jan. 00)

20th Anniversary Membership Dinner
Speakers: Wallace Alston Jr., John Crocker, Marcia Van Dyck, Patricia Roberts
Honorees: Irene Goldman, Sylvia Temmer, Robert Turoff, Norm Cohen, Rick Walnut, Deborah Jacoby
Highlights thus far: Tonight's celebration of the 20-year vision for peace, which began with a teaching conference and has grown to the many programs, events, and initiatives presented here.


Staff & Chair:
Executive Director - Rev. Bob Moore (Sept. 81 - current)
Associate Director - LL DuBreuil
Steering Committee Chair -
Concerts for Peace - featuring Dar Williams and Jeanie Bryson (February), Membership Dinner (March)
Speakers: MIT Physicist, Dr. Theodore Postol, previously worked for the military, a Star Wars critic
Honorees: Ethan Allan, Anna Savoia, John P.C. Matthews, Herb Johnson, Rev. Dr. Joseph Williamson
Candlelight Vigil for Victims of Gun Violence on steps of Trenton City Hall, Lobby Day for Childproof Handgun Bill (May)
Rally against Racial Profiling and Police Brutality - co-sponsored by: CFPA, NJ Chapter of the NAACP, Public Policy Working Group of the NJ Council of Churches, NJ Black Ministers Council, Brother Office Law Enforcement Society, Black Cops Against Police Brutality, several mosques, and the People’s Organization for Progress (POP) (May)
CFPA takes part in an International Rally at the U.N. in Dag Hammarskjold Plaza in NYC, to stop gun trafficking and to save lives (July)
CFPA hosts a ceremony for the commemoration and hope in response to the tragedy at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Speakers: Dr. Zia Mian, Mr. Shigeryuki Yama (a survivor of Hiroshima), Mr. Hideo Tose (a survivor of Nagasaki), and Susan Tenney and company with an original creative dance entitled Snow in Summer (August)
Gubernatorial Voters Guide published, including statements by the year’s candidates - McGreevey (D), Schulter (I), and Schundler (R) (October)
CFPA responds to 9/11 with condolences to the lives lost at the Towers and also towards the innocent lives that will be lost with the commencement of military action that took place the previous day, October 7th, in Afghanistan.
CFPA co-sponsors a Unity March Against Bigotry with the Princeton Clergy Association, in response to 9/11 and all other terrorism.
The 22nd Annual Conference and Interfaith Service for Peace was held primarily concerning the prevention of school violence
Speaker: Rabbi David Saperstein (November)

 JUNE 1999 TO MAY 2000

Staff & Chair:
Executive Director - Rev. Bob Moore (Sept. 81 - current)
Associate Director - 
Steering Committee Chair - 
April 15 - "Missile Stop 2000 Tour" comes to Princeton when a 50-foot mock nuclear missile is the Coalition's entry into the Communiversity Day activities.
April 20 - Bob Moore speaks at Princeton University's annual Earth Day
May 14 - Million Mom March converges on Washington DC and several other major cities. Coalition buses join hundreds of others in an effort to bring 1,000,000 moms and their supporters to the National Mall to rally for sensible gun laws and safe kids.
June 13 Annual Membership Dinner draws over 100 to Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Princeton to hear weapons trafficking expert Bill Hartung.
June 21 Forum on "Lessons from Kosovo" draws an overflow crowd of 250 at Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School, drawing front-page coverage in local papers.
Over 200 attend annual Commemoration of the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 5 at Woodrow Wilson Plaza. In conjunction with this, area children make and present 1000 Doves of Peace as a symbol of hope and healing to residents of Princeton Nursing Home.
Community Peace Trainers, co-sponsored with American Friends Service Committee, holds Peace Camps, conducts conflict resolution training for teachers and students, initiates mentoring programs, and opens an office in Trenton.
20th Annual Conference and Interfaith Service on "Challenges of Peace in the 21st Century" draws 600 at Princeton University on November 7.
5th Annual Peaceful Toys Fair draws 200 children and family members on November 20 at Nassau Presbyterian Church in Princeton.
Coalition begins to lay the groundwork for Peace Voter 2000 on December 7 by conducting a briefing on Coalition issues for a first major party candidate to fill Senator Frank Lautenberg's seat. Four more briefings conducted subsequently.
Vigil Against Gun Violence, co-sponsored with Youth Against Guns, Mothers Against Violence, Youth for Peace, and the Million Mom March, draws 60 at Palmer Square on December 18.
January 29 Concert for Peace in the New Millenium, featuring Dar Williams and Cheryl Wheeler, draws an overflow crowd of 750 to Nassau Presbyterian Church.
1999 Peace Legislation Record showing records of NJRepresentatives and Senators issued by Coalition and sent to 1,500 members and organizational contacts in February 2000.
Coalition sends van load of supporters to Washington DC on April 4 for annual Peace Lobby Day sponsored by National Peace Action.
20th Anniversary Membership Dinner held April 9 at Trinity Church in Princeton brings together co-founders and early leaders of the Coalition.


Staff & Chair:
Executive Director - Rev. Bob Moore (Sept. 81 - current)
Associate Director - 
Steering Committee Chair - 
Annual Concert for Peace features cellist Matt Haimovitz and blues-folk artist Toshi Reagon on February 10, 2002, at Unitarian Universalist Church of Princeton.
Mideast Optimist: Muslim and Jewish Comedians Night draws 700 to two sold out performances on March 2-3, 2002 in Princeton.
Coalition sends 25 to March 12 Nuclear Disarmament National Lobby Day in DC, nearly half of the total delegation from ten states.
Non-partisan candidate briefings starting March 25 given to two candidates for US House of Representatives and one for US Senate.
Three busloads with 150 peace marchers sent to April 20 D.C. March Against expanding the “War on Terrorism” and the US Nuclear Posture Review.
Coalition plays a major role in State House March and Rally vs. Racial Profiling and Police Brutality, attended by 200 and sponsored by NJ Coalition for Justice on May 15.
May 21 State House press conference held to release a report by Princeton University Nuclear Reactor Terrorism Task Force it sponsored, with 16 media representatives attending, resulting in major coverage throughout the region.
Annual Membership Dinner on May 19 featuring Dr. Tom Cochran of the Natural Resources Defense Council draws 130 at Trinity Church, Princeton.
Some 80 people of varying nationalities attend June 19 Forum at Nassau Presbyterian Church with Pakistani and Indian scientists speaking on the nuclear crisis in that region.
Second annual Peace is Patriotic Gathering on July 2 honors Rep. Donald Payne and Sen. Shirley Turner for peace leadership; talks by a veteran and by author Naomi Drew follow.
Some 100 attend August 6 annual Commemoration of Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to hear former Assistant Secretary of Defense and survivors of the bombing.
September 23 Demonstration against invading Iraq in Trenton while President Bush appears there for a fundraiser; some 150 attend with significant press coverage.
September 30 Emergency Lobby Trip to D.C. includes 20 to oppose the bill to authorize invading Iraq. The delegation told that constituent calls running as high as 100-1 against the war.
October 5 Emergency Rally Against War in Iraq attended by 250 at Palmer Square.
Four buses carry 200 supporters to D.C. for October 26 Demonstration Against War in Iraq attended by 200,000; front-page coverage results in a number of area newspapers.
Signature Ads present Peace Voter Guide published in 216,000 newspapers in early November.
Nearly 300 attend Coalition’s November 10 Annual Conference and Interfaith Service on “Preventing Biological and Nuclear Terrorism” at Princeton University.
Over 100 rally at Trenton and Princeton train stations before boarding Peace Train on December 7 to statewide anti-war Rally in Newark attended by 750.


Staff & Chair:
Executive Director - Rev. Bob Moore (Sept. 81 - current)
Associate Director - 
Steering Committee Chair - 
Annual Membership Dinner featuring journalism professor Dr. Robert Jensen draws 160 on May 16, 2003.
Executive Director Rev. Bob Moore receives “Distinguished Leadership” Award from NJ Council of Churches on May 22.

Coalition co-organizes statewide “Waging Peace” conference at United Methodist Church in New Brunswick on May 31, attended by 175.

Coalition sponsors third “Arts for Peace” dance and performing arts event of the year on June 20 at Arts Council of Princeton, attended by over 100.

Annual Commemoration of Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, featuring survivors of the bombings, draws over 125 on August 6.

Coalition organized, in conjunction with Princeton Clergy Association and September 11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, interfaith candlelight commemoration of 9-11 on September 10; a diverse group of 125 attend. Front page articles and photos in area newspapers.

Coalition co-sponsors October 29 forum with Trenton NAACP at Shiloh Baptist in Trenton on community justice issues, over 75 attend.

Coalition sponsors panel on media and peace featuring American Phil Donahue and Russian Vladimir Pozner on November 6 at Princeton University. Overflow crowd of 400 attends.

Coalition hosts annual National Congress of Peace Action at Princeton University November 7-9, culminating with 24th annual Conference and Interfaith Service on November 9 with 1,000 attending. Executive Director Rev. Bob Moore receives “Grassroots Organizer of the Year” Award from National Peace Action.

Former US diplomat Dr. Brady Kiesling and United Methodist Pastor Rev. Frederick Boyle, who had been to Iraq with Christian Peacemakers, speak at a forum on Iraq attended by 70 in Princeton on December 2.

Lobby meetings held with Representatives Rush Holt, Rob Andrews, Frank LoBiondo, and Senators Corzine and Lautenberg, during Congressional recess from mid-December through late January 2004.

Coalition co-sponsors talk on deceptions in Iraq by 26-year CIA veteran, Ray Close, on February 15 at Princeton University; several hundred attend.

Annual Concert for Peace on February 28, featuring John Sebastian and Michelle Shocked, draws over 400.
Coalition coordinates candidate briefing for Rep. Joseph Hoeffel, running for Senate in Pennsylvania, on March 15.

Coalition co-organizes Peace Train to NYC, with over 300 riders from central Jersey, on March 20—they join estimated 100,000 in New York on the first anniversary of US invasion of Iraq.

Coalition coordinates statewide workshop on Patriot Act resolutions attended by 50 organizers after four municipal resolutions successfully passed in central Jersey.


Staff & Chair:
Executive Director - Rev. Bob Moore (Sept. 81 - current)
Steering Committee Chair - Irene Etkin Goldman
Lobby meetings held with Representatives Rush Holt, Rob Andrews, Frank LoBiondo, and Senators Corzine and Lautenberg, during Congressional recess from mid-December through late January 2004.
Annual Concert for Peace, February 28, featuring John Sebastian and Michelle Shocked, draws over 400.
Non-Partisan Candidate Briefings held for US Senate candidate and two US House candidates in Pennsylvania March-August 2004.
Coalition co-organizes Peace Train to NYC, with over 300 riders from central Jersey, on March 20—they join estimated 100,000 in New York on the first anniversary of US invasion of Iraq.
Coalition co-organizes April 12 panel on verified voting, including Rep. Rush Holt and computer scientist Edward Felten, attended by over 100 at Princeton University.
Coalition coordinates April 17 statewide workshop on municipal resolutions against abuses in USA Patriot Act attended by 50 organizers; five resolutions successfully passed, with Coalition leadership, in central Jersey.
April 23 Membership Dinner with bio-weapons expert Dr. Jonathan Tucker draws 150 at Trinity Church, Princeton
Trenton Peace Center, monthly program of Trenton Chapter of the Coalition, opens to a crowd of 100 at Trinity Cathedral, Trenton, on April 26.
Coalition organizes annual Lobby Day to Washington D.C. to lobby against new US nuclear weapons on May 5. The delegation of 25 includes lawyers, religious leaders, etc. from New Jersey and Pennsylvania. The coalition also arranges for Prof. Frank von Hippel, nuclear weapons expert, to participate in lobbying Senators from Maine on same issues in June.
Coalition hosts an inaugural display of “Wall of Remembrance,” which includes names of all US troops killed in Iraq and as many Iraqi civilians as can be identified, just before Memorial Day at State House in Trenton.
Coalition Rally against US occupation of Iraq draws 200 at Palmer Square on June 26.
Over 120 attend special showing and discussion of movie Fahrenheit 911 on June 27 in Princeton.
Fourth annual Peace is Patriotic picnic and program draws 75 at Princeton Borough Hall on July 1.
Coalition co-organizes July 13 Rally on State House steps calling for a voter-verified paper trail to be mandated for all electronic voting machines, attended by over 100, resulting in extensive statewide press coverage.
Subsequently a law suit with the Coalition as an initial plaintiff seeking the above filed in NJ Superior Court, and case initially heard on October 27.
Annual Hiroshima/Nagasaki Commemoration held August 5 at Institute for Advanced Study; speakers include survivors of the bombing and Japanese-American who had been interned during WWII.
Major Peace Voter effort in the swing state of Pennsylvania, led by Coalition, distributes voter guide comparing US Presidential, Senate, and House candidates in two swing districts. More than 950,000 in total are distributed through mailings, emails, and signature ads.
Church Folks for a Better America “Dove Ad” critiquing US policy in Iraq from a faith perspective, signed by 25 world class theologians, published by Coalition in New York Times, Philadelphia Inquirer, Pittsburgh Post Gazette, and a number of newspapers in Ohio. An ad appears in over 6 million copies of newspapers total.
Coalition launches 25th Anniversary with November 13 Gala attended by 115 at $250 per plate, and November 14
Conference and Interfaith Service attended by over 1,000.
Coalition co-coordinates statewide Peace Train on December 4 to protest continuing US quagmire in Iraq, with some 75 boarding trains in Trenton and Princeton to Newark, where statewide rally and March with over 150 is held.


Staff & Chair:
Executive Director- Rev. Bob Moore
Steering Committee Chair- Irene Etkin Goldman
Key Events:
The Coalition hosted its 25th annual membership dinner on Friday, April 1. The dinner was held at Trinity Church in Princeton. The keynote speaker was Joseph Cirincione, a nonproliferation expert. Among the honorees in attendance was NJ Governor Jim Florio, who in 1990 initiated NJ's Assault Weapons Ban, inspiring the National Assult Weapons Ban in 1994.
60th Anniversary Commemoration of the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki held Friday, August 5th at the Woodrow Wilson Plaza, Princeton University. Akiko Seitelback, a survivor of the Nagasaki bombing spoke, traditional Japanese music was played, and the Princeton Cranes for Peace Project wrapped up with a final folding of cranes for display. The evening was concluded with the traditional lighting and floating of candles. 
On Monday, September 26, CFPA supporters lobbied our legislators in Washington D.C. to end the quagmire in Iraq. 
On Sunday, November 13, CFPA held its 25th annual conference and Interfaith Service for Peace. Scott Ritter, former UN Weapons Inspector and Team Leader in Iraq, and leading expert critic of the Bush Administration's pre-emptive war in Iraq spoke at the event.
On Sunday, December 3rd, the NJ Peace Train departed from local train stations throughout New Jersey, arriving in Newark for the concluding March and Rally.


Staff & Chair:
Executive Director- Rev. Robert Moore
Steering Committee Chair- Irene Etkin Goldman
Key Events:
NJ and PA chapters came together to end the war in Iraq and at home with a memorial, march, and peace rally on Saturday, March 18.
CFPA hosted its annual membership dinner Sunday, April 23 at the Princeton Theological Seminary. The keynote speaker for the evening was Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the Pentagon Papers during the height of the Vietnam War and has been a major voice for peace in the decades since.
On Saturday, April 29 CFPA co-organized another Peace Train into New York City for a major demonstration Ginst the war in Iraq. The demonstration was sponsored by United for Peace and Justice.
Sunday, August 6, CFPA held its annual commemoration of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the Woodrow Wilson Plaza at Princeton University.


Staff & Chair:
Executive Director- Rev. Robert Moore
Steering Committee Chair- Irene Etkin Goldman
Key Events:
On Saturday, May 26, CFPA hosted a Students for P.E.A.C.E. (Proactive Education for Activism on Current Events) conference at the Princeton Public Library.
CFPA held its annual commemoration of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on Sunday, August 5, at the Woodrow Wilson Plaza at Princeton University.
On Saturday, August 25, CFPA joined in the Peoples March for Peace, Equality, Jobs, and Justice at Lincoln Park and Broad Streets, Newark, NJ.
CFPA held its annual conference and interfaith service for peace on Sunday, November 11 at the Princeton University Chapel. Phyllis Bennis, Freeman Dyson, Ambassador Max Kampelman, Professor Janne Nolan, and Dr. Frank von Hipel were speakers. 


Staff & Chair:
Executive Director- Rev. Robert Moore
Steering Committee Chair- Irene Etkin Goldman
Key Events:
On Sunday, January 27, CFPA held an afternoon of exploring Iranian and Persian Culture. The event was co-sponsored by Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Princeton and the Human Relations Council of West Windsor Township. It was presented by members of local Iranian community.
CFPA held its annual membership dinner and gathering on Sunday, April 27 at the Trinity Episcopal Church in Princeton. Noted nuclear weapons abolition expert Jonathan Schell was the keynote speaker. 
CFPA hosted its 8th annual 'Peace is Patriotic' Event on Wednesday, July 2 in Princeton Monument Park. Retired U.S. Army Col. Ann Wright was the keynote speaker. 
On Tuesday, August 5, CFPA held its annual commemoration of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
CFPA hosted its 29th annual interfaith service and conference for peace on Sunday, November 16 at the Princeton University Chapel. Imam Hamad Chebli, long time spiritual leader of the Islamic Society of Central NJ, preached in the morning. Faith leaders from a wide range of traditions co-led the liturgy. 


Staff & Chair:
Executive Director- Rev. Robert Moore
Steering Committee Chair- Irene Etkin Goldman
Key Events:
On Thursday, March 19 at 12:00 CFPA hosted an event in light of the sixth anniversary of the Iraq War.
CFPA hosted an interfaith peace and spirituality retreat Saturday, March 21 in Princeton NJ.


Staff & Chair:
Executive Director- Rev. Robert Moore
Assistant Director- Bob Narus
Steering Committee Chair- Irene Etkin Goldman
Key Events:
On February 19 CFPA sponsored a concert and exclusive reception with Judy Collins at McCarter Theatre in Princeton. 
CFPA hosted its 10th annual Peace is Patriotic Event on Saturday, July 3 at Pennsbury Manor, Morrisville, PA. The event included the presentation of awards to four peacemakers in the region, as well as poetry and music. 
On Sunday, November 14, CFPA hosted its 31st annual interfaith service and conference for peace at the Princeton University Chapel. Speakers included Ms. Ray Acheson, Mr. Selig Harrison, Mr. Daryl Kimball, Mr. Kevin Martin, and Dr. Zia Mian.


Staff & Chair:
Executive Director- Rev. Robert Moore
Associate Director- Kate Whitman 
Steering Committee Chair- Irene Etkin Goldman
Key Events:
CFPA held yet another Iraq War demonstration on the eighth anniversary of the Iraq War on Saturday, March 19 in Palmer Square, Princeton NJ. 
CFPA hosted its 66th-anniversary commemoration of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. The event took place Tuesday, August 9 at the Woodrow Wilson School Plaza. Speakers and performers included Tatania Alcantara, Professor Pervez Hoodbhoy, Dr. Zia Mian, Kate Whitman, and the Solidarity Singers of the NJ Industrial Union Council. 
On Friday, November 11 at the McCarter Theatre in Princeton, the Coalition sponsored Joan Baez in concert. The event was part of a fundraiser for CFPA. 
 CPFA hosted its 32nd annual conference and interfaith service for peace on Smart Security: reducing Military Spending to Fund Urgent Needs at Home.  The event took place on Sunday, November 13 at the Princeton University Chapel. Dr, Gordon Adams, Jo Comerford, Judith LeBland, and Dr. Prasannan Parthasarathi all spoke. 


Staff & Chair:
Executive Director- Rev. Robert Moore
Assistant Director- Kate Whitman 
Steering Committee Chair- Irene Etkin Goldman
Key Events:
On Monday, July 2, CFPA sponsored a "Peace is Patriotic" event in Monument Park. Honorees included Kip Cherry, Jefferey Laurenti, and Edward Anthony Salter Jr. Musical performance by the Solidarity Singers of the NJ Industrial Union Council. 
CFPA held its annual Hiroshima and Nagasaki Commemoration on Sunday, August 5th. Speakers included Dr. Andrew Kanter and Yuichi Yokoyama.
On Sunday, November 11 CFPA hosted its 33rd annual interfaith service and conference for peace. The subject was "New Paths to Peace". The event was held at the Princeton University Chapel. Speakers included Noam Chomsky, Juan Cole, Amy Goodman, and Katrina Vanden Heuvel. 



Staff & Chair:
Executive Director- Rev. Robert Moore
Assistant Director- Kate Whitman
Steering Committee Chair- Irene Etkin Goldman
Key Events:



Staff & Chair:
Executive Director- Rev. Robert Moore
Assistant Director- Alesha Vega
Steering Committee Chair- Irene Etkin Goldman
Key Events:
CFPA sponsored an interfaith conference on lethal drones at the Princeton Theological Seminary on January 23.
CFPA hosted a membership renewal gathering with Medea Benjamin on Sunday, March 16 at Trinity Church in Princeton. 
On Sunday, November 9, CFPA hosted its 35th annual interfaith service and conference for peace. The subject was "Seal the Deal on the Iran Nuclear Issue". The event took place at the Princeton University Chapel. Speakers included Nontombi Naomi Tutu, Amy Goodman, Jamal Abdi, and Ariane Tabalabai. 



Staff & Chair:
Executive Director- Rev. Robert Moore
Associate Director- Alesha Vega
Steering Committee Chair- Irene Etkin Goldman
Key Events:
CFPA held its annual membership renewal gathering on Sunday, March 29 at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Princeton. Speakers included Dr. Zia Mian, and Dr. Frank von Hippel. 
CFPA sponsored a viewing of the film "In Our Sons Name" on Sunday, September 27 at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Princeton. The subject of the night was aptly named "Reconciliation in the Aftermath of Violence".
On Friday, November 20, CFPA held a 50th-anniversary performance of Alice's Restaurant. The event was held at McCarter Theatre. 


Staff & Chair:
Executive Director- Rev. Robert Moore
Associate Director- Erica DeKranes
Steering Committee Chair- Irene Etkin Goldman
Key Events:
CFPA held its annual membership renewal gathering on Sunday, March 20 at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Princeton. Phyllis Bennis was the speaker. 
CFPA held its 37th annual multi faith service and conference for peace on Sunday, November 13. The subject was "Preventing a New Nuclear Arms Race". The event was held at the Princeton University Chapel. Imam Sohaib Sultan gave the sermon, and Bruce G. Blair, Kelsey Davenport, Lisbeth Gronlund, Dr. Ira Helfand, and Dan Zak all spoke as well. 



Staff & Chair:
Executive Director- Rev. Robert Moore
Associate Director- Erica DeKranes
Steering Committee Chair- Irene Etkin Goldman 
Key Events:
CFPA hosted its annual membership renewal gathering on Sunday, March 26 at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Princeton. Medea Benjamin was the speaker. 
On Sunday, June 4, CFPA hosted its 37th Anniversary Membership Dinner and Gathering. Keynote speaker for the event was Col. Lawrence Wilkerson. Honorees included Senator Christopher Bateman, Senator Loretta Weinberg, Assemblywoman Gabriela Mosquera, and Muslims4Peace.
On Saturday, June 14, CFPA and supporters boarded the 'Peace Train' to support the U.N. in negotiating a treaty to globally ban nuclear weapons. 
*CFPA has confirmed Profesor Reza Aslan to speak on Sunday, November 12, at CFPA's annual multi faith service and conference for peace.

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Our Mission 

The Coalition for Peace Action (CFPA) is a grassroots citizens' organization bringing together people of all ages, backgrounds, professions and political persuasions around three goals: global abolition of nuclear weapons, a peace economy and a halt to weapons trafficking at home and abroad.

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