
Your contributions to Coalition for Peace Action (CFPA) help create a more peaceful world.

All donations made through this page are via credit or debit card only. If you would like to contribute by postal mail, please send your check to Coalition for Peace Action, 7 Vandeventer Ave., Princeton, NJ 08542-6920. Tax-deductible contributions can be made to Peace Action Education Fund, and mailed to the same address.


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Contributions to CFPA can be used for lobbying and voter education, and are therefore not tax deductible.

Contributions to Peace Action Education Fund (PAEF)

Click either option below to make a tax-deductible donation to PAEF.

Peace Endowment

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Over 44 years ago, a handful of New Jerseyans committed to the abolition of nuclear weapons created a legacy of peace for generations to come: they founded the Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament.

Now the organization, renamed the Coalition for Peace Action, wants to ensure that its work will carry through the next century and has established the Peace Endowment of the Peace Action Education Fund. Because the struggle to win peace never ends, because no single generation can secure worldwide peace for all time, each generation must do its part, in its time, to keep the work of peace active.

You can create your own legacy of peace by investing in the Peace Endowment of the Peace Action Education Fund. All investments should be “over and above” giving to the annual budget. Options for such a gift include, among other options:

• One time gift by check or credit card (make payable to Peace Action Education Fund (PAEF) and note “Peace Endowment” in the notation section)
• Annual Gift in manner noted above
• A bequest
• Life income plan
• Real estate

Contact the Peace Action Education Fund at (609) 924-5022 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to explore any of the above options.

Leave a Lasting Legacy

Please consider giving a financial gift to perpetuate your commitment to peace and justice by remembering the Coalition for Peace Action in your estate planning. Bequests and life insurance to the Peace Action Education Fund (PAEF) are tax-deductible. For more information related to including the Peace Action Education Fund in your will or life insurance policy, please contact our office at 609-924-5022 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Such gifts help bring peace to the world!



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Peace Voter 2024

No Wars, No Warming

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INDW Transparent LOGO

Abolish Nuclear Weapons

Peace Economy




Our Mission 

The Coalition for Peace Action (CFPA) is a grassroots citizens' organization bringing together people of all ages, backgrounds, professions and political persuasions around three goals: global abolition of nuclear weapons, a peace economy and a halt to weapons trafficking at home and abroad.

  Contribute to Peace