
Just Peace Sunday
September 15, 2024 
5:00 PM

Attend in-person or virtually. Click here for the link to join on Zoom.

Christ Congregation

50 Walnut Lane, Princeton, NJ 
(across from Princeton High School at the intersection of Houghton and Walnut)


Coalition for Peace Action's Executive Director, The Rev. Robert Moore, a leader in multifaith peacemaking for over 40 years, will preach a sermon titled "The Things That Make for Peace" at the 5:00 PM Christian Worship Service at Christ Congregation in Princeton, 50 Walnut Lane in Princeton, NJ. All are welcome!

Another option to hear Rev. Moore's sermon earlier
on Sunday, September 15 at 11:00 AM

Rev. Moore will also be preaching his sermon in Flemington, NJ, at Grace United Church of Christ. Attend in-person at 43 Park Avenue, Flemington, NJ. To attend virtually, click here for the link to join on Zoom.

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