E-Alert sent on 3/11/2025.

Dear friend, 

Thanks to a generous donor, I'm writing with an exciting opportunity! If you haven't yet contributed your 2025 CFPA Membership, your contribution NOW will admit you to a FREE LUNCH preceding the Program below, and DOUBLE your donation up to $10,000! Click here or below to join/renew NOW! By the way, even if you've already contributed your 2025 membership, whatever you contribute NOW will be DOUBLED!

RSVP: Dr. Ira Helfand to Keynote CFPA Membership Renewal Gathering on April 6 in Princeton!

Dr. Ira Helfand, former president of the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, will keynote CFPA's Annual Membership Renewal Gathering on Sunday afternoon, April 6 in Princeton. 

Dr. Helfand's talk is entitled The Myth of Nuclear Deterrence. Recently, Dr. Helfand had this lead letter to the editor in the NY Times on the same topic. His compelling analysis shows that nuclear deterrence is NOT a reliable way to prevent nuclear war. Reversing the renewed nuclear arms race, and global nuclear weapons abolition is the only sure way to do so.

This annual event will be at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Princeton (UUCP), 50 Cherry Hill Road, just up the hill from the intersection with Route 206. It starts with a free light lunch from 2:00-3:00 PM for those who have contributed a 2025 annual membership. If you haven't yet done so, click here or the button below to DOUBLE your 2025 membership NOW to be eligibile for the free meal!

The Program will be from 3:00-4:30 PM, also at the church. It is free and open to the public, and will include an opportunity to contribute a membership, or a larger donation, in person. A Question/Answer period will follow Dr. Helfand's keynote presentation.

Please reply to this email to indicate if you plan to attend the Program and/or preceding free lunch!

P.S. Your generous support is needed to build on CFPA's Peace Voter Campaign in the 2025 Gubernatorial Race in NJ, in which we have already conducted our first Candidate Briefing--with more in the pipeline--AND making headway in stronger gun safety laws to prevent easy access to ghost guns, as well as to prevent them from being adapted to become fully automatic machine guns!


The Rev. Robert Moore 
Executive Director 
Coalition for Peace Action &
Peace Action Education Fund

Latest Coalition Newsletter Latest Coalition Newsletter


Peace Voter 2025

No Wars, No Warming

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Abolish Nuclear Weapons

Peace Economy



Our Mission 

The Coalition for Peace Action (CFPA) is a grassroots citizens' organization bringing together people of all ages, backgrounds, professions and political persuasions around three goals: global abolition of nuclear weapons, a peace economy and a halt to weapons trafficking at home and abroad.

  Contribute to Peace