
E-alert sent on 1/30/2025.

Dear friend, 

Ever since its founding in 1980, CFPA has prioritized the global abolition of nuclear weapons. At that time, there were about 70,000 nuclear warheads in existence. Our vigorous, tenacious efforts contributed to nuclear reduction treaties from 1987 up to 2010. That helped reduce that enormous stockpile to an estimated 12,000 today, about an 82% reduction! 

However, the last 15 years has seen no further reductions. And the last remaining nuclear reduction treaty, New START, is set to expire in just one year, on February 5, 2026. In light of this, a few days ago the famed Doomsday Clock of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists was moved to the closest to midnight it has ever been!

I know several of the scientists that decide how far from midnight the Doomsday Clock is set to each year. In the Spring of 2023, one of them--Prof. Rob Socolow of Princeton University--gave an excellent in-depth talk for CFPA about what goes into that decision. It is a careful and meticulous decision-making process by the world's top experts.

We are now closer than ever to unimaginable catastrophe! We urgently need to reinvigorate CFPA's nuclear disarmament organizing, and we need your help! We don't usually do a fundraising drive this early in the year, but we need to ramp up our organizing to meet this grave situation as soon as possible. Click here or below to donate NOW!

I also have some hopeful news about our ability to renew progress toward reducing and eliminating nuclear weapons. First, President Trump has recently voiced support for new nuclear reduction agreements. While failures to denuclearize North Korea in his first term should give us pause, he has chosen an effective diplomat to spearhead a new agreement to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapon capability.

In addition, just a few days ago, a letter was sent to all Members of Congress outlining seven concrete steps to reduce the nuclear danger. Almost all of the major arms control and nuclear disarmament organizations signed the letter--the most unified I've seen the nuclear disarmament community in many years. I'm thrilled that a world class nuclear weapon expert and CFPA Sponsor I know well, Prof. Frank von Hippel, was also a signatory to that letter!

To help CFPA amplify the terrifying message of moving the Doomsday Clock the closest to midnight it's ever been; as well as to pursue the hopeful developments above, please click here or below to donate NOW!


The Rev. Robert Moore 
Executive Director 
Coalition for Peace Action &
Peace Action Education Fund 

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The Coalition for Peace Action (CFPA) is a grassroots citizens' organization bringing together people of all ages, backgrounds, professions and political persuasions around three goals: global abolition of nuclear weapons, a peace economy and a halt to weapons trafficking at home and abroad.

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