
Excellent Gun Violence Prevention Meeting with NJ Attorney General!

Dear friend, 

I'm pleased to report that CFPA's Ceasefire NJ Project spearheaded an excellent meeting with NJ Attorney General Matt Platkin (along with five of his senior staff) last Monday, October 7. We successfully scheduled the meeting, put together a strong delegation of gun violence prevention leaders from across the state, and planned and led the meeting.

We discussed supporting General Platkin's outstanding work challenging Supreme Court rulings that weaken New Jersey's strong gun safety laws. He agreed to work closely with us to implement those laws, as well as help us press for passing an urgently needed Secure Storage of Guns bill. He also agreed to meet regularly with us, so we can maximize our collaboration! I'm proud of our strong leadership on this, and excited about this major step forward!

In addition to sharing this good news, I'm writing now to urgently ask for your support in the final stage of our Peace Voter 2024 Campaign. We are arranging to publish our Peace Voter Signature Ad comparing the candidates in NJ District 7, expected to be the closest congressional race in NJ, in New Jersey's largest paper.

I am thrilled that we have an offer to run our ad in their digital and hard copy editions which will reach over 100,000 voters before Election Day! But we are $500 short of raising the funds to publish those!

Please click here or below and scroll down to contribute NOW! The suggested donation is just $25 per name. We need to confirm our order in the near future, so they can start running serveral weeks before Election Day!

P.S. CFPA is collaborating with Vote Forward to mail letters to registered low frequency progressive voters in the key swing state of Pennsylvania! There is still time to send those by the late October deadline. If you didn't previously sign up, click preceding link to sign up for this proven, high impact campaign NOW!


The Rev. Robert Moore 
Executive Director 
Coalition for Peace Action &
Peace Action Education Fund 
7 Vandeventer Ave.
Princeton, NJ 08542

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The Coalition for Peace Action (CFPA) is a grassroots citizens' organization bringing together people of all ages, backgrounds, professions and political persuasions around three goals: global abolition of nuclear weapons, a peace economy and a halt to weapons trafficking at home and abroad.

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