
Please see CFPA's Action Alert sent on April 1, 2024. 

Dear Friend, 

I'm writing to urge you to contact your Representative and Senators to advocate for strong U.S. leadership to reduce the nuclear war danger by becoming a co-sponsor of a resolution recently introduced in the US House (H. Res. 1079) and Senate (S. Res. 593). Click here or below to quickly email your Congresspersons to urge their support for this critically important resolution. It only takes two minutes!

UN Secretary-General Guterres recently issued a stark warning: "The nuclear shadow that loomed over humanity last century has returned with a vengeance. The nuclear risk is higher than at any point since the depths of the Cold War."

Putin's war on Ukraine and his nuclear saber rattling have significantly increased the risk of nuclear war. A March 9 New York Times story revealed that in October 2022--almost exactly 60 years after the Cuban Missile Crisis brought the world to the brink of nuclear war--the chance of Putin using his nuclear weapons was estimated by top US officials to be "50% or higher." 

The last remaining treaty capping the massive Russian and U.S. nuclear stockpiles is due to expire in less than two years. Meanwhile, as China is rapidly building up its smaller but still deadly nuclear arsenal, some members of Congress are pushing to increase the U.S. nuclear arsenal to counter two "near-peer" nuclear adversaries. 

This resolution calls on the Biden administration to urgently pursue nuclear arms control and risk reduction dialogue with the Russian Federation to ensure the conflict in Ukraine does not escalate to nuclear use, and avoid an unrestrained nuclear arms race. Click here to see more details.

Please click here or below to quickly email your US Representative and Senators NOW and remind them that a world without effective nuclear reduction diplomacy is a more dangerous world; and urge them to act. To increase your impact, also call your Representative and US Senators via the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121! The offices don't crosscheck constituents who both email and call.

P.S. Just a reminder that CFPA's 2024 Membership Renewal Gathering will be this Sunday afternoon, April 7, starting with a free lunch at 2 PM for those who have contributed their 2024 annual membership; and the Program featuring Amb. Daniel Kurtzer at 3 PM in Princeton. Click here for details, and RSVP to this email--especially for the lunch.


The Rev. Robert Moore 
Executive Director 
Coalition for Peace Action &
Peace Action Education Fund 
7 Vandeventer Ave.
Princeton, NJ 08542

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The Coalition for Peace Action (CFPA) is a grassroots citizens' organization bringing together people of all ages, backgrounds, professions and political persuasions around three goals: global abolition of nuclear weapons, a peace economy and a halt to weapons trafficking at home and abroad.

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