
Please see CFPA's most recent Action Alert sent on March 4, 2024. 

Dear Friend, 

I'm excited to inform you that momentum is building for CFPA’s high impact peacemaking in this critical election year!

After conducting our first Candidate Briefing for candidates in targeted races in our region (click preceding link to see photo and short summary), we are now in the process of scheduling six more!

Recently, CFPA collaborated with partners to lobby Congresspersons in the suburbs of Philadelphia (a key electoral swing area) to support a Ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas War. As of last Friday, five of the six members have publicly announced their support!

After Putin's nuclear saber rattling in his recent speech to the Russian people, I just had this letter to the editor advocating for nuclear restraint, and ultimately global abolition, published in today's (March 4) edition of the Trenton Times. It has also been submitted to other newspapers in the region

We just postal mailed membership renewal notices to CFPA members who hadn't yet renewed for 2024. If you are among those who receive the letter, I urge you to click here or below to save time and the $1.50 cost of using the business reply mail envelope to postal mail your annual membership.

If you aren't yet a CFPA member, this would be a great time to help sustain CFPA's increasing momentum in our high impact election year peacemaking.

If you are already a member, you can also click here or below for an option to make a donation in addition to your membership! Please renew or join by clicking to contribute your 2024 Membership or Donation ONLINE NOW!

Another sign of increased momentum with our Ceasefire NJ Project is that CFPA just partnered on a meeting with a key legislative leader urging him to co-sponsor a bill to mandate safe storage of guns in the home, to prevent suicides and accidental shootings.

Starting nearly 30 years ago, CFPA pioneered a highly effective Peace Voter (PV) campaign with proven results to maximize our peacemaking impact on elections.

In addition to the Candidate Briefings by CFPA experts and organizational leaders mentioned above, we plan to follow up with Candidate Questionnaires and other research on their positions. Then we will culminate the PV campaign by publishing Peace Voter Guides in targeted races.

To meet the above challenges and take full advantage of our proven approaches in 2024, I urgently request that you click the button below to contribute your 2024 Annual Membership or Donation ONLINE NOW!

We can only build on our momentum and meet the great challenges in this 2024 election year if we each do our part, starting with contributing NOW as generously as possible.

Make your annual commitment to intensify CFPA’s peacemaking in this critical Election Year ONLINE TODAY!


The Rev. Robert Moore
Executive Director
Coalition for Peace Action &
Peace Action Education Fund
40 Witherspoon Street
Princeton, NJ 08542

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Peace Voter 2024

No Wars, No Warming

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Abolish Nuclear Weapons

Peace Economy




Our Mission 

The Coalition for Peace Action (CFPA) is a grassroots citizens' organization bringing together people of all ages, backgrounds, professions and political persuasions around three goals: global abolition of nuclear weapons, a peace economy and a halt to weapons trafficking at home and abroad.

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