
Currently, the decision to use nuclear weapons is in the hands of just one person. Unless Congress acts, the President could single-handedly start a nuclear war within minutes. Having that decision fall on only one person, with no checks or balances, is contrary to our Constitution and increases the probability that nuclear weapons will be used.

Reintroduced by Rep. Ted Lieu and Sen. Edward Markey, the "Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act" creates a safeguard by requiring authorization from Congress before nuclear weapons can be deployed, except if the United States is under nuclear attack.

Tell your Legislators: Reduce the chance of first use of US nuclear weapons, due to miscalculation or misunderstanding, by co-sponsoring, and voting in support of, H.R.669 / S.1186: the Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act! Click here NOW to quickly email your two US Senators and your US Representative; it only takes a minute!

Act Now

If you have time, you can increase your impact by also calling your Senators and US Representative! Call 1-202-224-3121 and ask to speak to the offices of your US Representative and Senators. When you get through, say:

“I am calling as a constituent concerned about the danger of US nuclear weapons being used first due to miscalculation or misunderstanding. To reduce that threat, we need a requirement for Congress to specifically authorize the use of nuclear weapons before they can be used, except if the United States is under nuclear attack. I urge Sen./Rep. ______ to co-sponsor the Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act, H.R.669 / S.1186. Please let me know what action they take on this important measure to reduce the chance of accidental nuclear war."

Tell your Legislators TODAY:
We urge you to co-sponsor the Restricting The First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act!

P.S. Click here to see a recap of CFPA's Annual Hiroshima and Nagasaki Commemoration from August 8th which includes a link to view a video recording of the program. Our keynote speaker, Dr. Stewart Prager, highlighted the danger of continuing to let just one person make the decision to use nuclear weapons.


Bobs Signature

Bob at Westfield Circle 2

The Rev. Robert Moore
Executive Director
Coalition for Peace Action &
Peace Action Education Fund
40 Witherspoon Street
Princeton, NJ 08542

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The Coalition for Peace Action (CFPA) is a grassroots citizens' organization bringing together people of all ages, backgrounds, professions and political persuasions around three goals: global abolition of nuclear weapons, a peace economy and a halt to weapons trafficking at home and abroad.

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