Dear friend,
The totally unexpected results from the Presidential race was indeed shocking, discouraging, and depressing. But we must not succumb to the temptation to letting ourselves be disempowered!
I have now been in full time peacemaking for 47 years. Over that time, I've seen many valleys--but also many peaks. In 1979, I helped found the national Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign. By November 1980, Ronald Reagan had been elected. He recklessly talked about nuclear warning shots, and his Assistant Secretary of Defense said "with enough shovels, we will all survive a nuclear war."
But by June, 1982, we had the largest demonstration in US history, with 1 million attending in Central Park in NYC. That was followed by Nuclear Freeze referenda in ten states. I chaired the NJ campaign, and the Freeze was supported by 2/3 of New Jersey voters! In 1983, we sent a 12 busloads with 600 New Jersey citizens to lobby Congress, and the Freeze passed in the US House.
President Reagan was forced to resume negotiations with the then Soviet Union, and by 1987 the first Nuclear Reduction Treaty in history was signed--eliminating land based medium range nuclear weapons in Europe!
So I'm writing to urge you to remember the famous slogan, Don't Mourn, Organize! Despite Trump's deeply troubling landslide victory, we even had a few bright spots supported by our Peace Voter 2024 Campaign here in NJ. Of the three races we targeted, the candidate shown to be more pro-peace won in two: Andy Kim for US Senate, and Herb Conaway for NJ Congressional District 3.
We very much want to re-energize and strengthen CFPA's high impact peacemaking at this critical time. Click and scroll down to see our recent activities, including our Peace Voter 2024 Campaign. But we can only do that with your generous support. Click here or below to donate as generously as possible!
P.S. There are now only 38 seats left for our 45th Annual Conference for Peace on Sunday afternoon, November 17 in Princeton. So if you haven't already registered, I urge you to click here and scroll down to register NOW!
The Rev. Robert Moore
Executive Director
Coalition for Peace Action &
Peace Action Education Fund
7 Vandeventer Ave.
Princeton, NJ 08542
Congress will soon consider whether to adopt a vital policy to guard against artificial intelligence (AI) from ever playing a role in the decision to use U.S. nuclear weapons. But hold-outs in the Senate are standing in the way of the United States adopting this common-sense principle.
Tell your Senators to support the amendment introduced by Sen. Ed Markey to keep a human “in the loop” on nuclear weapon decisions. Tell your US Representative to support the principle in negotiations with the Senate.
The Senate amendment to the fiscal year 2025 National Defense Authorization Act would set in law the policy that a human must be kept in the loop “for all actions critical to informing and executing decisions by the President to initiate and terminate nuclear weapons employment.”
The House of Representatives has approved the same language in its defense authorization bill. If the Senate matches the House language, the human “in the loop” policy will likely become law. And if the Senate doesn’t adopt the same language, House negotiators must stand firm and push to include the rule in the final negotiated version of the law.
It is urgent that you act now to email your Senators and US Representative to support this critical law! Click below to email your Senators and US Representative, it only takes one minute!
On September 26,1983, a lieutenant colonel in the Soviet Air Defense Forces was on duty when the early-warning satellite system he was monitoring detected what appeared to be five approaching U.S. nuclear-armed intercontinental ballistic missiles. He was supposed to let the highest level of Soviet nuclear command know, who almost certainly would have launched an all out nuclear war.
But he reasoned that it was highly unlikely that the US would launch such a small number of weapons, so refrained from sending it up. It turned out that the mistaken warning was a result of sun reflecting off the high-altitude clouds, so he was correct. This is a great example of why human participation in nuclear weapon decision-making is so critical. If AI was being used, it would almost certainly have led to global nuclear holocaust.
The enormous ethical and legal consequences of nuclear weapons employment must always rest on the shoulders of human beings. Earlier this summer, UN Secretary-General Guterres said “Until these weapons are eliminated, all countries must agree that any decision on nuclear use is made by humans, not machines or algorithms.”
P.S. We can only meet daunting challenges like that above if we have the resources to sustain and intensify CFPA's organizing. At the end of sending your emails, you will have the opportunity to contribute to CFPA’s nuclear disarmament work. If you prefer, you can postal mail a check to the address under my name. I urge you to be as generous as possible.
The Rev. Robert Moore
Executive Director
Coalition for Peace Action &
Peace Action Education Fund
7 Vandeventer Ave.
Princeton, NJ 08542
Please see CFPA's Action Alert sent on April 1, 2024.
Dear Friend,
I'm writing to urge you to contact your Representative and Senators to advocate for strong U.S. leadership to reduce the nuclear war danger by becoming a co-sponsor of a resolution recently introduced in the US House (H. Res. 1079) and Senate (S. Res. 593). Click here or below to quickly email your Congresspersons to urge their support for this critically important resolution. It only takes two minutes!
UN Secretary-General Guterres recently issued a stark warning: "The nuclear shadow that loomed over humanity last century has returned with a vengeance. The nuclear risk is higher than at any point since the depths of the Cold War."
Putin's war on Ukraine and his nuclear saber rattling have significantly increased the risk of nuclear war. A March 9 New York Times story revealed that in October 2022--almost exactly 60 years after the Cuban Missile Crisis brought the world to the brink of nuclear war--the chance of Putin using his nuclear weapons was estimated by top US officials to be "50% or higher."
The last remaining treaty capping the massive Russian and U.S. nuclear stockpiles is due to expire in less than two years. Meanwhile, as China is rapidly building up its smaller but still deadly nuclear arsenal, some members of Congress are pushing to increase the U.S. nuclear arsenal to counter two "near-peer" nuclear adversaries.
This resolution calls on the Biden administration to urgently pursue nuclear arms control and risk reduction dialogue with the Russian Federation to ensure the conflict in Ukraine does not escalate to nuclear use, and avoid an unrestrained nuclear arms race. Click here to see more details.
Please click here or below to quickly email your US Representative and Senators NOW and remind them that a world without effective nuclear reduction diplomacy is a more dangerous world; and urge them to act. To increase your impact, also call your Representative and US Senators via the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121! The offices don't crosscheck constituents who both email and call.
P.S. Just a reminder that CFPA's 2024 Membership Renewal Gathering will be this Sunday afternoon, April 7, starting with a free lunch at 2 PM for those who have contributed their 2024 annual membership; and the Program featuring Amb. Daniel Kurtzer at 3 PM in Princeton. Click here for details, and RSVP to this email--especially for the lunch.
The Rev. Robert Moore
Executive Director
Coalition for Peace Action &
Peace Action Education Fund
7 Vandeventer Ave.
Princeton, NJ 08542
The Coalition for Peace Action (CFPA) is a grassroots citizens' organization bringing together people of all ages, backgrounds, professions and political persuasions around three goals: global abolition of nuclear weapons, a peace economy and a halt to weapons trafficking at home and abroad.
7 Vandeventer Ave., Princeton, NJ 08542
(609) 924-5022 | Send us an Email